Dank Rainbow

IndicaDried Flower
Dank Rainbow
THC: 19-25%CBD: 0-1%


Indulge in the artisan-crafted Dank Rainbow, a unique in-house genetic derived from BOAZ, distinguished for its indica-dominant qualities. This captivating strain originates from a sublime blend of D. Bubba and Rainbow Punch. Each bud of Dank Rainbow flaunts a mesmerizing layer of icy crystals, adorned with a scattering of vibrant orange hairs enhanced by undertones of dark green and extravagant ultra violet. Experience the harmonious balance of D. Bubba's pungent sour aroma seamlessly melded with the saccharine notes of Rainbow Punch. The terpene profile is strikingly distinctive, with myrcene reigning supreme, closely complemented by the earthy caryophyllene and refreshing limonene. Brace for an exotic sensory symphony of spicy, tart, and undeniably DANK flavors! Revel in this enchanting strain, optimized to stand out amidst the myriad of cannabis products.


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